Pilot Study on Preference and Acceptability of Biofortified Sweet Potatoes Recipes: A Community-based Cross-sectional Study


  • Adela Britton Universidad de Panamá
  • Jenny Isabel Chu Universidad de Panamá
  • Eira Vergara de Caballero Universidad de Panamá
  • Israel Ríos Castillo Universidad de Panamá https://orcid.org/0000-0001-9443-3189
  • Maika Barría Agricultural Research Institute of Panama, Ministry of Agricultural Development




Sweet potato, Panama, biofortification, vitamin A, sensory analysis of food.


Background: Vitamin A deficiency persists as public health problem in Panamanian rural communities. Objective: To determine acceptability and preference of four recipes using biofortified sweet potatoes by Panamanian women in rural non-indigenous and indigenous communities. Materials and Methods: A descriptive and cross-sectional pilot study with 50 women from rural non-indigenous and indigenous communities of El Cope (Coclé Province) and Chichica (Comarca Ngäbe Buglé), in Panama. Sensory acceptability and preference tests were applied using hedonic scale to evaluate four local recipes (sweet potato pesada, sweet potato drink, sweet potato tamale, and roasted sweet potato). Sociodemographic data, diversity of diet and frequency of vitamin A food sources were collected. Additionally, vitamin A composition analysis were used to evaluate the content in the biofortified sweet potato. Results: A total of 50 women, 62 % in Chichica, 52 % in 34-49 years range. Significant difference was observed in diet diversity for roots/tubers and vegetables groups in Chichica 81 % y 48 %, respectively) and El Copé (42 % y 11 %, respectively) (proportional test (prtest), p<0.05); as well as for orange colored fruits, meats and milk/ dairy groups in Chichica (55 %, 42 % y 58 %, respectively) and El Copé (84 %, 74 % y 79 %, respectively) (prtest, p<0.05). High acceptability for all recipes, pesada (94 %), sweet potato drink (98 %), tamale (100 %), and roasted sweet potato (84 %). Preference is high for sweet potato tamale in both communities as a savory recipe; and sweet potato pesada in El Copé (74 %) and sweet potato drink in Chichica (61 %) as sweet recipes (prtest, p=0.0163). Vitamin A content in the biofortified sweet potato is 1000μg/100g. Conclusion: The four recipes are accepted. Preference for tamale in both communities; preference for pesada in El Copé and sweet potato drink in Chichica.

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Author Biographies

Adela Britton, Universidad de Panamá

Bachelor of Nutrition and Dietetics

Jenny Isabel Chu, Universidad de Panamá

Bachelor of Nutrition and Dietetics

Eira Vergara de Caballero, Universidad de Panamá

Master in Nutrition in Public Health. Bachelor of Nutrition and Dietetics

Israel Ríos Castillo, Universidad de Panamá

Master in Nutrition and Food. Dietitian nutritionist. School of Nutrition and Dietetics, Faculty of Medicine, Universidad de Panamá and the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations

Maika Barría, Agricultural Research Institute of Panama, Ministry of Agricultural Development

Dietitian nutritionist


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How to Cite

Britton, A., Chu, J. I., Vergara de Caballero, E., Ríos Castillo, I., & Barría, M. (2018). Pilot Study on Preference and Acceptability of Biofortified Sweet Potatoes Recipes: A Community-based Cross-sectional Study. Perspectivas En Nutrición Humana, 19(2), 137–150. https://doi.org/10.17533/udea.penh.v19n2a02




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