Influence of Lifestyles on the Nutritional Status of University Students




Lifestyle, nutritional status, university students, overweight, obesity, feeding behavior.


Background: Attendance to university is a major change in a student’s lifestyle, which may be reflected in their nutritional status. Objective: Seek the association between lifestyle and anthropometric changes in university students of the Polytechnic School of the Litoral in Guayaquil-Ecuador over a period of three years. Materials and Methods: Descriptive cohort study with a sample of 336 students of both sexes, in whom nutritional status was evaluated by anthropometry, and lifestyle was investigated through a previously validated survey. Results: Between 2014 and 2017, excess weight (overweight + obesity) increased from 25.6% to 31.9%, BMI, body fat, waist circumference, hip circumference and waist to hip ratio (p <0.05). Alcohol consumption was associated with greater weight (+3.7 Kg) and waist to hip ratio, and higher frequency of consumption of soft drinks with greater weight (+5 kg). The consumption of fast foods was associated with increase in waist to hip ratio (p <0.005). No anthropometric differences were found associated with cigarette use, physical activity, or consumption of fruits and vegetables. Conclusion: In the university population studied, excess weight and body fat is increasing, while alcohol and soda consumption as well as smoking affect nutritional status.

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Author Biographies

Ruth Adriana Yaguachi Alarcón, Litoral Polytechnic School

Master in Clinical Nutrition. Nutritionist. Litoral Polytechnic School, Faculty of Life Sciences

Mariela Felisa Reyes López, Litoral Polytechnic School

Master in Business Administration

Carlos Luis Poveda Loor, Litoral Polytechnic School

Master in Food Processing


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How to Cite

Yaguachi Alarcón, R. A., Reyes López, M. F., & Poveda Loor, C. L. (2018). Influence of Lifestyles on the Nutritional Status of University Students. Perspectivas En Nutrición Humana, 20(2), 145–156.




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