Healthy Diets in Higher-Education Students in the South of Chile


  • Mari Andrea Alarcón Riveros Catholic University of the Holy Conception
  • Claudia Andrea Troncoso Pantoja Catholic University of the Holy Conception
  • Antonio Amaya Placencia Catholic University of the Holy Conception
  • Mauricio Alfredo Sotomayor Castro Catholic University of the Holy Conception
  • Juan Pablo Amaya Placencia Catholic University of the Holy Conception



Healthy eating, students, higher education, health promotion, healthy lifestyle, qualitative research.


Background: It is essential that young adults obtain healthy life habits during the disciplinary training stage. Objective: Interpret factors that shape dietary and healthy eating habits, food preferences and eating outside the home, and social factors in higher-education students. Materials and Methods: Using a qualitative study with a phenomenological approach, 30 higher-education students were interviewed with in-depth questions regarding diverse aspects that shape healthy eating habits. Participant responses were analyzed through content analysis. Results: Participants identified aspects of their own healthy eating habits, such as the composition and ingredients of foods, and number and timing of meals. They highlighted meals made at home by their mothers and eaten with their families as a positive contributor to healthy eating, however identified limitations to maintaining healthy eating habits such as friends, lack of time, advertising, and information from social media. Conclusions: Although students recognize the need for healthy eating to maintain adequate health status, it is perceived as difficult to achieve at this stage of life due to a number of factors.

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Author Biographies

Mari Andrea Alarcón Riveros, Catholic University of the Holy Conception

Department of Clinical and Preclinical Sciences, Faculty of Medicine, Catholic University of the Holy Conception, Chile.

Claudia Andrea Troncoso Pantoja, Catholic University of the Holy Conception

Corresponding author. Department of Clinical and Preclinical Sciences, Faculty of Medicine, Catholic University of the Holy Conception, Chile. Center for Research in Education and Development, Catholic University of the Holy Conception (CIEDE-UCSC), Chile. Catholic University of the Holy Conception. School of Medicine. San Andres campus.

Antonio Amaya Placencia, Catholic University of the Holy Conception

Nutrition and Dietetics Career, Faculty of Medicine, Catholic University of the Holy Conception, Chile.

Mauricio Alfredo Sotomayor Castro, Catholic University of the Holy Conception

Department of Clinical and Preclinical Sciences Faculty of Medicine, Catholic University of the Holy Conception, Chile 

Juan Pablo Amaya Placencia , Catholic University of the Holy Conception

Department of Clinical and Preclinical Sciences Faculty of Medicine, Catholic University of the Holy Conception, Chile 


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How to Cite

Alarcón Riveros, M. A., Troncoso Pantoja, C. A., Amaya Placencia, A., Sotomayor Castro, M. A., & Amaya Placencia , J. P. (2019). Healthy Diets in Higher-Education Students in the South of Chile. Perspectivas En Nutrición Humana, 21(1), 41–52.


