The school of the enchanted mountain (Homage to the centennial of the work of Thomas Mann)
Thomas Mann, german schoolAbstract
This article summarizes the pedagogical thought of the great lettered Thomas Mann who characterizes the German School of the early 20th century. Using the same literary texts as the author, the evident romantic dilemma between the natural man and the civilized man still lasts in the contemporary pedagogical thought.
How to reference this article:
Flórez Ochoa, Rafael , "La escuela de la montaña encantada (Homenaje al centenario de la obra literaria de Thomas Mann)", Revista Educación y Pedagogía, Medellín, Universidad de Antioquia, Facultad de Educación, vol. XVIII, núm. 46, (septiembre-diciembre), 2006, pp. 241-251.
Received: october 2006
Accepted: november 2006
Mann, Thomas, 1993, La montaña mágica, Barcelona, Plaza y Janés.
____________ , 1963, Los Buddenbrook, en: Obras completas, tomo 2, Barcelona, Plaza y Janés.
____________ , 1971, Relato de mi vida, Barcelona, Salvat.
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