Educational contributions of on-line interactive exhibitions about immunity as a practice of collective activism in pandemic context
Science education, Activism practices, Scientific exhibitionsAbstract
The practices of collective activism, or justified socio-political action, are an increasingly valued pedagogical strategy in Educational Sciences, as it enhances the training and empowerment of students for active and democratic citizenship and for responsible action on socio-scientific and socio-environmental issues that characterize society. The present study focuses on the educational potential of developing online interactive exhibitions, about immunity and disease control, as an activism strategy in times of pandemic. Following a qualitative approach and interpretive paradigm, this study describes the work developed on the subject of Biology with a 12th grade class of 28 students. The intervention was based on the socio-constructivist theory of learning and three main stages: pre-production, production and post-production of a scientific exhibition, in this case named Pharmaction. Specifically, it was intended to value scientific knowledge as a way of promoting health, disseminating information and mobilizing the community to act in the adoption of responsible behaviours, given that there are diseases and immunity imbalances. Since the study took place in the context of distance learning, due to COVID-19, the exhibition was performed online and built using Web 2.0 tools. The data obtained, through surveys, observation and document analysis, reveals the educational potential of the strategy. The students expanded several transversal skills, highlighting the competences for action, in the field of activism, in addition to significant learnings on the studied topic. Despite the difficulties in collaboration, research and time management, the class found a unique, challenging and motivating way to learn science and, like the visitors, a good activism strategy that benefited from the use of ICT.
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