A Systematic Literature Review on STEM Education for Mathematics and Science Pre-Service Teachers
STEM Education, integrated STEM, interdisciplinary education, interdisciplinarity, pre-service teacher education, mathematics teacher, science teacher, literature reviewAbstract
The integration of science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) into educational systems has grown rapidly in international research. The literature reports on policies, experiences, and programs focused on interdisciplinary STEM integration around the world, as well as the challenges that the approach represents for the integration processes that teachers may undertake. Teachers, then, play a key role in the implementation of STEM Education in the school system. This systematic literature review analyzed the strategies for STEM Education of future mathematics and science teachers and the purposes for which they have been incorporated in both research and teacher education. The review considered peer-reviewed studies published in the period 2012-2021 written in Spanish, English, and Portuguese. The review followed a three-step process: planning, conducting and reporting the review. The results show the roles that STEM Education has played in teacher education, both in research and the design of preparation programs. The methodological strategies for preparing future teachers are also reported. Finally, the review provides evidence of the opportunities offered by including STEM Education approaches in early teacher education, regarding the impact on their perceptions, conceptual knowledge, self-efficacy, and future practices.
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