Senses that Teachers Give to the Motor Skills as Knowledge for Teaching


  • Jose Enver Ayala Zuluaga University of Quindío
  • Alejandra Maria Franco University of Quindío
  • Johan Cardona Patiño University of Quindío



Motor skills, Education, Formation


In this study it was assumed that the training of teachers in a critical proactive and connected to the motor skills, can contribute to other knowledge that allow to go beyond teaching. The aim was to uncover the meanings that teachers give to the motor skills with a knowledge for teaching, the methodology was to approach the understanding and the type of research was reflexive ethnography, the results are condensed in relation to othervisibilities from the motor skills and teaching, this is closely linked to the fact to not consider the cognitive logic as the only aspect to consider in the process of teacher training.

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Author Biographies

Jose Enver Ayala Zuluaga, University of Quindío

Degree in Physical Education and Recreation. Professor at the University of Quindío. Master of Education and candidate for a Doctor of Education Sciences.

Alejandra Maria Franco, University of Quindío

Bachelor of Basic Education with an emphasis on Physical Education and Sports. Professor at the University of Quindío and Los Llanos. Master in Education with emphasis on Motor skills.

Johan Cardona Patiño, University of Quindío

Degree in Physical Education and Sports. Professor at the University of Quindío. Master of Education student.


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How to Cite

Ayala Zuluaga, J. E., Franco, A. M., & Cardona Patiño, J. (2013). Senses that Teachers Give to the Motor Skills as Knowledge for Teaching. Educación Física Y Deporte, 31(2), 1059–1066.



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