Evaluation of the program “La Aventura de la Vida” from the perspective of its staff working in an elementary school, Medellín, 2002–2004: a case study


  • Alba E Gaviria M.
  • Alexandra Castrillón L.
  • Ligia Trujillo M.
  • Julián Uribe S.
  • Fernando Peñaranda C.




health education, health promotion, drug addiction, social problems


This research evaluated the program “La aventura de la vida” (Adventure of Life), a joint work between University of Antioquia and Surgir, a nongovernmental organization in charge of the program in Medellín. Participants were interviewed to understand what happens with the knowledge, perceptions and relations in the educative community where it was applied. It was possible to establish that components of the program can account for practices and interactions of their actors producing effects and impacts. The study looked for these effects and impacts in terms of social process and as transforming tool of citizen culture facing drug addition problem. Community conceptions and meanings on prevention of socially relevant problems associated to drugs and healthy life styles promotion. With a qualitative and ethnographic approach, the study allowed to understand the real development of the program, using different techniques such as comprehensive interviews, participant observations and focal groups with children and their significant people.
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How to Cite

Gaviria M. AE, Castrillón L. A, Trujillo M. L, Uribe S. J, Peñaranda C. F. Evaluation of the program “La Aventura de la Vida” from the perspective of its staff working in an elementary school, Medellín, 2002–2004: a case study. Rev. Fac. Nac. Salud Pública [Internet]. 2008 Oct. 16 [cited 2025 Jan. 30];25(2):1-6. Available from: https://revistas.udea.edu.co/index.php/fnsp/article/view/81




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