Researchers' perceptions on their health and working conditions in Antioquia, Colombia
research personnel, health status, working conditions, qualitative researchAbstract
Objective: to analyze how male and female scientific researchers working at public and private universities in Antioquia (Colombia) perceive their health and working conditions. Methodology: a qualitative study conducted through interviews and a literature review. Participants belonged to research groups classified as A1, A, and B, according to the standards issued by Colciencias (Colombia’s national Department of Science, Technology and Innovation). Results: researchers perceive the relationship between their work and health as a blend of work-related demands, challenges, and personal and collective rewards. Demands on intellectual productivity are high; there is a mismatch between the actual time devoted to work and the time established in the work plans negotiated with the administration for every semester. In some points of the research process, these factors overload the daily work schedules, thus causing physical pain, stress, and malaise. Nevertheless, researchers find their work worthy because of the passion that research arouses in them. Discussion: The high demands defined within the framework of the National System for Science and Technology (Spanish acronym: SNCT) have created a field in which intellectual productivity takes priority over the researchers’ health conditions.
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