ISSN (online) : 2422-2844 | ISSN (print) 0120-6230
The Revista Facultad de Ingenieria, started in 1984 and is a publication of the School of Engineering at the University of Antioquia. The main objective of the journal is to promote and stimulate the publishing of national and international scientific research results. The journal publishes original articles, resulting from scientific research, experimental and or simulation studies in engineering sciences, technology, and similar disciplines (Electronics, Telecommunications, Bioengineering, Biotechnology, Electrical, Computer Science, Mechanical, Chemical, Environmental, Materials, Sanitary, Civil and Industrial Engineering).
- Format: On line
- Periodicity: Quarterly published Jan-Mar, Apr-Jun, Jul-Sep, Oct-Dec
- Peer review: Double blind
- No Article processing charges (APC), the journal editorial process is sponsored and supported by the Enginering School of the Universidad de Antioquia.
- Rejection rate 2022: 47%
- Average time between submission and publication 2022: 150 days
- This journal publish open access
- License: Revista Facultad de Ingeniería, Universidad de Antioquia is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution BY-NC-SA 4.0 license.
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Most cited articles (Scopus)
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Numerical modelling of the oscillatory flow effect around submarine pipelines Simulation of methanol production from residual biomasses in a Cu/ZnO/Al2O3 packed bed reactor Fragmentation model for tensile behavior of intermingled hybrid composites and optimal mixing ratio Heavy metal removal by biopolymers-based formulations with native potato starch/nopal mucilage
Current Issue
General Information
Research paper
Criterion to evaluate the convenience of implementing evaporative precooling in air-cooled chillers
|Abstract = 399 veces | PDF = 336 veces| -
Comparison of mechanical bicycle and e-bike in the public bicycle-sharing system of Cuenca-Ecuador
|Abstract = 270 veces | PDF = 189 veces| -
Analysis of vehicle specific power and road grade in a high-altitude city
|Abstract = 341 veces | PDF = 156 veces| -
Protocol to evaluate methods designed for the construction of representative driving cycles
|Abstract = 239 veces | PDF = 99 veces| -
A density-based heuristic for household detection in college communities through Big Data analysis
|Abstract = 187 veces | PDF = 110 veces| -
Definition of a Typical Driving Cycle of an electric taxi in an Andean city
|Abstract = 259 veces | PDF = 126 veces| -
High-resolution global geopositioning system for last-mile delivery
|Abstract = 287 veces | PDF = 126 veces|
Reviewing paper or state of the art
The school bus routing problem: A systematic literature review
|Abstract = 395 veces | PDF = 207 veces| -
Methodologies for alternative jet fuels testing on small-scale reaction engines
|Abstract = 250 veces | PDF = 102 veces|
Case report
Historical perspective on the transition to alternative fuels to meet the greenhouse gas challenge
|Abstract = 203 veces | PDF = 84 veces| -
Is Black Carbon an appropriate generalization in climate studies?
|Abstract = 225 veces | PDF = 105 veces|
Subjects and Authors Index
Subjects and authors index
|Abstract = 24 veces | PDF = 5 veces|