
  • Adolfo de Nordenflycht Pontifical Catholic University of Valparaíso



translation work, interference of translation, creative work


This article sets to present a commented bibliography of Pablo Neruda's work, especially in reference to his translation work. It intends to emphasize the extent of Neruda's spirit, attained on his countless trips -many of these trips as part of his diplomatic work-. The force of his spirit was also achieved due to the languages he was in contact with and because of his baldness in translating even from languages he didn't know well or didn't know at all. This article also intents if not to analyze, at least to comment, the issue of the interference of translation  with the creative work of the poet.

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Căprăroiu, Gabriela (2009). “Neruda traductor: el ejemplo rumano”. Escritural 1. CRLA. Archivos, marzo de 2009.

Căprăroiu, Gabriela (2008). “Neruda traductor: 44 poetas rumanos (1967)”, en Nerudiana núm. 5, agosto 2008.

Jiménez, Juan Ramón (1942) Españoles de tres mundos. Buenos Aires: Losada.

Loyola, Hernán (2002). “Notas”, Pablo Neruda, Obras completas. Nerudiana dispersa II Barcelona: Galaxia Gutenberg.

Millares, Selena (1993) “Neruda traductor” Boletín de la Fundación Pablo Neruda. Primavera de 1993.

Millares, Selena (2008). Neruda, el fuego y la fragua: ensayo de literatura comparada. Salamanca: Ediciones de la Universidad de Salamanca.

Neruda, Pablo (1967). “Palabras del traductor”, 44 Poetas rumanos, trad. Pablo Neruda, Buenos Aires: Losada, 1967.

Neruda, Pablo (2002). Obras completas V. Nerudiana dispersa II. 1922-1973. Edición de Loyola, Hernán. Barcelona: Galaxia Gutenberg. Círculo de Lectores.

Predmore, Michael P. (2004) “Imágenes y visiones apocalípticas en Residencia en la tierra y Canto general: de Revelación a Revolución en la poesía de Pablo Neruda” Revista Chilena de Literatura Nº 65. Noviembre 2004.

Spivak, G. (1993) “The Politics of Translation.” Outside in the Teaching Machine. Londres: Routledge.

Ulloa Cárdenas, Darío. “Romeo y Julieta, según Neruda. Significado actual”.

Ulloa Cárdenas, Darío (1997) “Neruda, humilde traductor”. Atenea nº 476. Segundo semestre.



How to Cite

de Nordenflycht, A. (2012). PABLO NERUDA AND TRANSLATION. Mutatis Mutandis. Revista Latinoamericana De Traducción, 5(1), 100–110.