
  • Elvia María González Agudelo Universidad de Antioquia
  • Miguel Orlando Betancourt Universidad de Antioquia




curriculum, university didactics, projects, mixed tought, and abduction


Within the framework of a doctoral thesis: "Towards a mestizo behavior in the evolution of human beings or education by projects in the university teaching", this article presents the research hypothesis. We begin with the conception that assigns to the university, the preservation and the culture development, as its social commitment, but from a question: How would the university didactics articulate the functions of teaching, research, and extension of the university to make possible its social commitment of the preservation, development and the culture promotion? To which we answer with an abductive hypothesis, how would the education by projects, from the conception of the mestization thought, articulate the university missionary functions to make possible its social commitment? This abductive way starts with an experience, from which a surprising fact emerges, that plunges us in an inquiry signs process catalogued by Pearce as icons, indexes and symbols; where possible spaces are generated: enigmas, suspicions and conjectures, to go from the doubt to the belief and configure the abductive hypothesis, as a possibility, and anticipation of senses which show us a horizon.

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Author Biographies

Elvia María González Agudelo, Universidad de Antioquia

Magister in education from the University of Medellín. Doctor in pedagogical sciences from the University of Havana. She currently works as a tenured professor at the University of Antioquia, Medellín, Colombia. Leader of the DIDES research group, classified A1 by COLCIENCIAS.

Miguel Orlando Betancourt, Universidad de Antioquia

Degree in English-French from the University of Nariño. Specialist in Scriptwriting and Direction of Television and Radio of the Jaime Isaza Cadavid Polytechnic University Institution. Master in French Didactics from the Universidad Nuestra Señora del Rosario. Official Translator and Interpreter. He currently works as a Professor at the University of Antioquia


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How to Cite

González Agudelo, E. M., & Betancourt, M. O. (2013). A NEW DIRECTION IN EDUCATION BY PROJECTS BY MEANS OF A MESTIZO THOUGHT APPROACH WITHIN THE TRANSLATION PROGRAMME AT UNIVERSIDAD DE ANTIOQUIA. Mutatis Mutandis. Revista Latinoamericana De Traducción, 6(1), 213–226. https://doi.org/10.17533/udea.mut.14567