When non-political gestures become political: Brazilian transaltion of Giovanni's room by James Baldwin, and homosexuality issues


  • Lauro Amorim São Paulo State University




Translation Studies, African-American literature, James Baldwin, homosexuality


This work is part of a research project on the role of translations of African-American literature in Brazil and their relation to issues of identity, discourse and aesthetics. It analyzes the translation, by Affonso Blacheyre, of Giovanni's room (1956), by James Baldwin, which was published in 1967 in Brazil. Baldwin is revered for his role in the Civil Rights Movement, having produced works that portray the contradictions of a democratic, but, at the same time, racist society. Giovanni's room was first rejected by his publisher for addressing homosexuality. The text displayed on the book flaps of the translation praises Baldwin's "work with language", in contrast to his anti-racism in other works. The praise of aesthetics of Giovanni's room is noteworthy, in contrast with the absence of any remarks on its critique of the marginalization of homosexuality. The focus on the aesthetics of the work corresponded to characters speaking a more formal register in the translation. Discourses on identity strengthening were less apparent in the 60s in Brazil in comparison to nowadays. The emphasis on aesthetics represented a seemingly "non-political" gesture that made it less shocking in the context of military dictatorship prevalent in the country at the time.

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Author Biography

Lauro Amorim, São Paulo State University

Translator and professor at São Paulo State University "Júlio de Mesquita Filho" (UNESP).


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How to Cite

Amorim, L. (2014). When non-political gestures become political: Brazilian transaltion of Giovanni’s room by James Baldwin, and homosexuality issues. Mutatis Mutandis. Revista Latinoamericana De Traducción, 7(1), 62–82. https://doi.org/10.17533/udea.mut.18885



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