From History to Translation Criticism through the literary work Calila e Dimna


  • Liliane Vargas Garcia Federal University of Santa Catarina



translation, language, medieval history, translated literature, culture


This article follows a historiographical and linguistic approach in order to reflect on the role of the translation, taking as its starting point Calila e Dimna (1251), regarded as a foundational work which influenced the constitution of Spanish as a vehicle of cultural knowledge. A particular emphasis is made on a textual characteristic that marks the dissemination, knowledge and preservation of this text through and only by means of translation. Bearing in mind the historical context where the translation of the “object” text was created, this article deals with the “phenomenon” text to examine a translation as an operation of language that circulates and redefines the assumptions resulting from the contact with the Other, to generate linguistic, historic and cultural arrangements as critical elements of the creative and disseminating power of translation.

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Author Biography

Liliane Vargas Garcia, Federal University of Santa Catarina

PhD student of Translation Studies at the Federal University of Santa Catarina (UFSC).


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How to Cite

Vargas Garcia, L. (2015). From History to Translation Criticism through the literary work Calila e Dimna. Mutatis Mutandis. Revista Latinoamericana De Traducción, 8(2), 517–528.