Translation and Historiography in Mexico: Our “historical being” through the Iron Curtain


  • Nayelli Castro University of Massachusetts



Translation, historiography, Cold War, Soviet Marxism, Latin America, Alperovich, Ortega y Medina, Gregory Oswald


Although the translation of Marxist works in Mexico can be traced back to the end of 19th century, especially from French or English into Spanish, during the Cold War years the languages involved in these translation practices, as well as the discourses that went along with them, changed significantly. During the first half of the 20th century, a boom for many Latin American publishing houses, translations of Marxism-Leninism works published by the Academy of Sciences of the Soviet Union had an important role to play, that is, they disseminated and promoted the ideological agenda of the Soviet Union. In Mexico, at the end of the 1930s, Fondo de Cultura Popular (FCP) contributed to the international campaign for promoting Soviet publishers’ endeavors. In this article, I will examine the contribution of these translated works to the dissemination of ideological and political discourses. Considering, on the one hand, the relationship between translation and political agency, and on the other, the instrumentalization of the writing of history, I contend that these translations shed light on the ideological and political debates of the day, particularly on those taking place in the field of historiography.

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Author Biography

Nayelli Castro, University of Massachusetts

Full time teacher.


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How to Cite

Castro, N. (2018). Translation and Historiography in Mexico: Our “historical being” through the Iron Curtain. Mutatis Mutandis. Revista Latinoamericana De Traducción, 11(1), 52–74.