Mercedes Rein and her Translator Work. An Approach to an Unpublished Anthology of Translation




Mercedes Rein, translation of German poetry, translation anthology, literary criticism, Uruguayan cultural field


 This study approaches the translator work done by Mercedes Rein (1931-2006) by emphasizing the tempo­ral dimension of her figure (Delisle, 2018) and the historical perspective of her mediation in translation. Firstly, it focuses on the most meaningful aspects of her intellectual intervention as a member of the crisis generation (Rama, 1972), and on the dialogue between her work and the practices established by other vernacular cultural agents. Based on this, it prioritises analysing the gestation process of a translation anthology (Frank, 2001) of German poetry, compiled by Rein at the initial stages of her intellectual path. Since the approach used deals with unpublished and uncategorised material, this study describes the main chronological oscillations identified in the dynamics of drafts and variations on paratexts. Lastly, critic collaborations are mentioned, published by Rein in the weekly journal Marcha and taken from the unpu­blished anthology. These are, so far, the only published access to the anthology. The enunciation space built in those reviews enters into a dialogue between translation practice and literary criticism about the reception of German poetry, while revealing specific elements of the translation experience.

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Author Biography

Leticia Hornos-Weisz, University of the Republic

Leticia Hornos Weisz is an adjunct professor of German at the Center for Foreign Languages of the Faculty of Humanities and Educational Sciences. She has a Master's degree in Letters from the Faculty of Humanities and Educational Sciences (Udelar) and a PhD candidate in the Postgraduate Program in Translation Studies at the Federal University of Santa Catarina, Brazil.


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How to Cite

Hornos-Weisz, L. (2020). Mercedes Rein and her Translator Work. An Approach to an Unpublished Anthology of Translation. Mutatis Mutandis. Revista Latinoamericana De Traducción, 13(2), 319–332.