Leaky Boundaries: Rosario Ferré as a Self-Translator


  • Yessica Chiquillo-Vilardi National University of Colombia




cultural identity, self-translation, bilingualism, Caribbean literature, Refraction, El cuento envenenado (story) y The Poisoned Story (story), Rosario Ferré


In this paper I studied the self-translation case of Puerto Rican writer Rosario Ferré. At first, I ana­lyzed the significant changes that her literature work experienced in linguistic, cultural and ideolog­ical dimensions. In addition, I developed some crucial aspects about her Puerto Rican and bilingual identity. Secondly, I did a comparative analysis between “El cuento envenenado” and “The Poisoned Story”. I used André Lefevere’s term of refraction in order to: (i) consider the self-translated tale as an adaptation; (ii) to emphasize how Rosario adjusts the self-translation to the poetic of the receiver system; (iii) to recognize that even the interviews and essays included in their self-translated fiction pub­lications are also refractions. In a certain way, these refractions are crucial in the establishment of the reputation of Rosario Ferré and her literature work in the target audience. In addition, it is questioned the ‘originality’ concept used by Ferré, because it does not reflect the cultural context in which or against which her literature work was produced. In fact, this term is a strategy to legitimate the use of English.

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Author Biography

Yessica Chiquillo-Vilardi, National University of Colombia

Candidate for a Master's Degree in Literary Studies (2020) from the National University of Colombia. Professional in Literary Studies from the Pontificia Universidad Javeriana. Areas of interest: Latin American and Caribbean literature, Colombian literature, contemporary narrative.


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How to Cite

Chiquillo-Vilardi, Y. (2020). Leaky Boundaries: Rosario Ferré as a Self-Translator. Mutatis Mutandis. Revista Latinoamericana De Traducción, 13(2), 509–526. https://doi.org/10.17533/udea.mut.v13n2a15