News Translation and Journalistic Creativity by Gilberto Owen in Bogotá El Tiempo Through News Rewriting Practices


  • Celene García-Ávila Autonomous Mexico State University



news translations, Gilberto Owen, El Tiempo, journalism and literature


This article examines the relationship between cablegram news translation and news rewriting in two op-eds written by Gilberto Owen for El Tiempo (Bogotá, 1935). The op-eds are entitled “Al margen del cable” (On the fringes of cable) —March-May, 1935— and “Suceso” (Event) —October 3-23, 1935, from which eight texts are analyzed. We argue here that cablegram news translation was not only a linguistic informative exercise, but also a type of writing that helped foster the author’s creative writing in texts ranging within the boundaries of journalism and literature. Meanwhile, the journalistic tasks of cable news translation and news rewriting reveal insightful commentaries regarding international political news. All this offers a new profile of this member of the Mexican literary group Contemporáneos (Contemporary people). In order to deliver a theoretical framework, the study studies the translator as an individual, in view of comprehending the complex net of intercultural relationships that allowed for news translation from English into Spanish in this case.

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Author Biography

Celene García-Ávila, Autonomous Mexico State University

Dra. en Letras Hispánicas por El Colegio de México. Profesora e investigadora de tiempo completo de la Facultad de Lenguas de la Universidad Autónoma del Estado de México.


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How to Cite

García-Ávila, C. (2021). News Translation and Journalistic Creativity by Gilberto Owen in Bogotá El Tiempo Through News Rewriting Practices. Mutatis Mutandis. Revista Latinoamericana De Traducción, 14(1), 195–217.