Academic Self-Translation: The Case of Articles Published in Ecos de Linguagem—A Plurilingual Peripheric Academic Journal
science dissemination, internationalization of scientific research, academic self-translationAbstract
Higher education institutions in Brazil deploy practices aiming at the internationalization of the academic-scientific knowledge produced by their researchers. One of such practices is setting up bilingual journals. The role of translation in this process is therefore undeniable. In this article, the focus is on academic self-translation, that is, the translation of scientific texts done by its author-researcher himself/herself. In order to do this, we analyze the case of Ecos de Linguagem, a multilingual journal by Instituto de Letras (Universidade do Estado do Rio de Janeiro —uerj). The discussion focuses on publishing in academic journals through self-translation and how these phenomena relate to each other. The journal encourages reading in several languages without giving up publication in Brazilian Portuguese. Thus, in the period 2012-2018, six bilingual issues were published, totaling 57 articles. From those, 49 per cent were translated by the authors themselves. Contrary to the frequent practice, between 2012 and 2015, Ecos de Linguagem made the self-translator’s name visible. Also contrary to the use in translation into English, between 2012 and 2015, the journal published six issues: One bilingual Portuguese/Italian issue, one Portuguese/French, three Portuguese/Spanish, and one Portuguese/English. This article presents a case study regarding the experiences from authors participating in the Portuguese/French issue. Data were collected by means of semi-structured individual interviews, and emails to clarify specific issues raised during the interviews, which were carried out through videoconferencing software. Data were analyzed according to Jung’s self-translation typology. The results indicated the need to extend the author’s typology to include support and modality as criteria.
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