Translating the Pampa: On the Different Versions of Jules Supervielle’s L’Homme de la pampa
comparative literature, Uruguayan literature, French literature, Argentine literature, translationAbstract
When Uruguayan-born French writer Jules Supervielle (1884-1960) published his first novel, L’Homme de la pampa, in 1923, his friend and mentor Valery Larbaud called it the entry of the Oriental Republic into French Literature. A Gaucho-themed novel, at least in its first half, it was soon translated into Spanish, first partially by Adelina del Carril in 1924 and then entirely by Juan Parra del Riego, in 1925. It was not until 2007, however, that the novel was translated again, this time by the Argentine writer Damián Tabarovsky, who made a series of decisions at the translator and editorial level that worked as an Argentinization of the novel. In this two-stage reading, marked by the translations, one can see the changes not only in terms of interpretation, but also in the very act of translating, its possibilities and limitations. L’Homme de la pampa is thus framed in a fertile discussion on the nation, the literature of the Río de la Plata and its linguistic possibilities, as it will try to be shown through a comparative reading of the versions.
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