Translating Violence. The “Rule of the Majority” in Translating Camila Sosa Villada’s Las malas and Gabriela Cabezón Cámara’s La virgen cabeza into French




La virgen cabeza (Gabriela Cabezón Cámara), Las malas (Camila Sosa Villada), trans women, literary translation, transvesti, violent language


This article analyzes the translation of Camila Sosa Villada’s Las malas and Gabriela Cabezón Cámara’s La virgen cabeza into French. Both novels take on a critique of violence on transvestite individuals, by enacting extreme violence and resignifying stigmatizing language. The aim of the present reflection is to inquire into the phenomena of invisibilizing violence in the translation of those novels into French. What happens when the translator decides to ease, even to dismiss, violent language? May it be about submitting the text and sexualities voiced by the novel to what Gayatri Spivak calls “the rule of majority”? Or, does the erasure of violence obey either to cultural and editorial considerations or to the translators’ own initiative? In this article, I examine the political implications of those decisions, not only concerning the enacting of dissident sexualities, but also to the way a
hegemonic language, like French, welcomes or dismisses the expression of a peripheral language, in this case, Argentinean Spanish, which willingly stands on the margins.

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Author Biography

Melina Balcázar, El Colegio de México

Translator, essayist and research professor at the Centro de Estudios Lingüísticos y Literarios del Colegio de México. In the Master's Degree in Translation, she teaches the course "Translation Practices - French / Spanish" and, at the Institute of Political Sciences of Paris (Sciences Po), the seminar "Literature and Violence in Latin America". She holds a PhD in French Literature from the Sorbonne Nouvelle University. She is the author of the essays Travailler pour les morts. Les politiques de la mémoire dans l'œuvre de Jean Genet (2010) and Aquí no mueren los muertos. Duelo y fotografía en México (2020). She collaborates with the cultural supplement Laberinto of Milenio diario, with essays on French-language literary current affairs and interviews with French literary and intellectual personalities. In France, she writes about contemporary Spanish-American literature for the magazines En attendant Nadeau and Europe. She has translated works by Pascal Quignard, Pierre Klossowski, Claude Simon, Félix Nadar, Pierre Ducrozet, Olivier Rolin, Georges Didi-Huberman, Yves Pagès. She is a member of the editorial board of the journal Écriture et image (Centre d'Étude de l'Écriture et de l'Image / Université Sorbonne Nouvelle).


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How to Cite

Balcázar, M. (2023). Translating Violence. The “Rule of the Majority” in Translating Camila Sosa Villada’s Las malas and Gabriela Cabezón Cámara’s La virgen cabeza into French. Mutatis Mutandis. Revista Latinoamericana De Traducción, 16(1), 73–87.