Consensual Proposal (Delphi) of Teaching Practices for the Acquisition of Translation Competence
translating competence, didactics of translation, translation technologies, Delphi approach, teaching practiceAbstract
The main approach of competency-based learning is that students should graduate knowing that, knowing how, and knowing how to be. For decades, efforts have been made in the field of translation studies to determinewhat knowledge, skills and attitudes a translator should learn. Although there are several models which, despite their differences, coincide in the growing complexity of translation competence, there are not so many studies on how this competence is acquired or the guidelines to achieve it. At the same time, the translation market is advancing by leaps and bounds, especially with the introduction of computer-assisted translation tools, machine translation and, more recently, artificial intelligence. In this context, it is pertinent to reflect on what and how to teach translation. This article presents a list of teaching practices agreed upon by a group of anonymous experts, including teachers, active translators and others with positions of responsibility in translation companies, using the Delphi methodology. In addition to the list proposed by the researcher, created from the conceptualizations of different authors, modified and enriched by these experts, and the discrepancies detected between the evaluations of the practices, the conclusions are presented, which point to the convenience of establishing greater coordination between translation subjects in the degrees, as well as the relevance of achieving collaboration between experts of the three categories to make better use of their collective wisdom.
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