Literary Publishing and Translation Along the Argentine Coastline: A Situated Analysis from Late 19th Century to the Present Day


  • Bernardo Orge Instituto de Estudios Críticos en Humanidades (UNR-CONICET)



publishing policies, publishing geographies, history of translation in Argentina, literary translation, Argentine littoral


From a perspective borrowed from the sociology of translation and the history of translation and publishing, this paper analyzes a series of literary translation scenes that started at the end of the nineteenth century and were significant for the immediate publishing circuit made up of the cities of Rosario, Santa Fe, and Paraná. We will perform a situated analysis of translatory practice in relation to publishing activity across the region, highlighting three complementary aspects: the role of translators, publishing houses’ policies, and publishing houses’ position compared with the publishing market at the national level and the translation market worldwide. As a result, we will identify historical dynamics that allow us to draw some conclusions beyond particular cases and find to what extent the low rate of translations published across the region is due to economic causes and to what extent it is due to cultural causes.

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Author Biography

Bernardo Orge, Instituto de Estudios Críticos en Humanidades (UNR-CONICET)

Professor of Letters at the National University of Rosario. He is part of the Institute of Critical Studies in Humanities (IECH, UNR-Conicet) as a doctoral fellow in the framework of the Executing Unit Project “Policies and uses of the archive” with the research: “Towards an integral archive of the avant-garde in the region (1966-1976). María Teresa Gramuglio, Nicolás Rosa, Juan Pablo Renzi, Graciela Carnevale and Rubén Naranjo” directed by Dr. Judith Podlubne and co-directed by Dr. Irina Garbatzky, in the PHD in Literature and Critical Studies. He works as a Research Assistant in the course of Argentine Literature II of the Bachelor of Letters at the UNR. He was editor of the anthology 25 antenas (25 antennas). Hispanic American Poetry (2017) and, in co-authorship, of the books Archivo Mikielievich's edition. Argentine poetry of the 21st century (2015) and 1,000 million. Spanish-language poetry of the 21st century (2014). Between 2018 and 2019 he coordinated the program called: p | o | e | s | í | a  (poetry) which writing workshops were carried out in five institutions of confinement in the province of Santa Fe. Between 2014 and 2019 he was part of the working team of the Rosario International Poetry Festival, which he co-directed in 2019.


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How to Cite

Orge, B. (2024). Literary Publishing and Translation Along the Argentine Coastline: A Situated Analysis from Late 19th Century to the Present Day. Mutatis Mutandis. Revista Latinoamericana De Traducción, 17(2), 460–477.