Clinical Communication in Medicine and Nursing Undergraduate Degrees in Spain: A Case Study




developing communication curricula in healthcare education, patient-centred care, thematic analysis, clinical communication, multilingual and multicultural communication


Over the past five decades, the paradigm shift in healthcare delivery towards patient-centred care has restructured the dynamics of the relationship between the patient and the healthcare professionals. Despite considerable progress, asymmetries in clinical communication continue to pose significant challenges for patients, frequently resulting in poor healthcare outcomes. This highlights the need for a comprehensive evaluation of existing training programs for healthcare professionals to identify deficiencies in communicative skills and to guide the development of targeted interventions aimed at improving patient-centred care. This study aims to identify and analyse the monolingual and multilingual clinical communication training included in health sciences undergraduate degrees currently offered in the Valencian Community, a region of Spain where two official languages are used and which hosts a large number of emigrants and tourists. A corpus of 545 syllabi was compiled from the analysis of 12 undergraduate curricula in the selected geographical area. Using the qualitative analysis software Atlas.ti, a thematic analysis was conducted to extract themes related to clinical monolingual and multilingual communication in the teaching guides. The result is a comprehensive mapping of the clinical communication content in these undergraduate degree programmes. These findings may provide a foundation for future research in pedagogy, linguistics, and translation studies, with a focus on both monolingual and multilingual dimensions of clinical communication.

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Author Biographies

Roser Sánchez-Castany, Universitat Jaume I, Spain

PhD in Translation and Interpreting from the Universitat Jaume I (2023) and Master's Degree in Medical-Health Translation (2012) and Bachelor's Degree in Translation and Interpreting (2011). Since 2012, she has been a freelance translator, proofreader and post-editor specializing in software, technologies and marketing. She is also an associate professor at the Department of Translation and Communication at the Universitat Jaume I, where she teaches translation technologies, and a collaborating professor at the Universitat Oberta de Catalunya, where she teaches professional skills. She is an active member of the GENTT research group and her main lines of research are the didactics of translation technologies and medico-legal textual genres.

Anabel Borja Albi, Universitat Jaume I, Spain

Professor Legal Translation at the Universitat Jaume I. She holds a PhD in Translation, a degree in Anglo-Germanic Philology, a diploma in Foreign Trade, a master's degree in Business Law and a postgraduate degree in University Teaching. She is authorized by the Spanish Ministry of Foreign Affairs to work as a sworn translator and interpreter for the English language and has worked as a translator for publishing houses, multinational companies, courts and law firms in the legal and medical fields. She is coordinator of the legal translation area of the GENTT research group. Her research has focused on the contrastive analysis and classification of legal texts using electronic corpora based on the concept of textual genre; the didactics of specialized translation; and the application of technologies to specialized translation.


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How to Cite

Sánchez-Castany, R., & Borja Albi, A. (2025). Clinical Communication in Medicine and Nursing Undergraduate Degrees in Spain: A Case Study. Mutatis Mutandis. Revista Latinoamericana De Traducción, 18(1), 209–230.