From the Alps to the Andes: When Adam and Eve Go "from the Rooster to the Donkey", or the Arduous Task of the Translator


  • Stéphane Bourgue Universidad de Antioquia



Lenguaje familiar, Francia, Colombia, cultura y acto traductivo, animales, amor y sexualidad


This article aims to present and explain why some colloquialisms use the animalistic way to refer to love and sexual behavior of human being. This study deals with two languages: French spoken in France, and Spanish spoken in Colombia and raises several issues related to the lexical field of love and sexuality. Every French colloquialism is matched with a Colombian colloquialism from a semantic viewpoint. They are accompanied by linguistic and cultural clarifications that seek to understand why French and Spanish, from one continent to another, are sometimes so different in the way they perceive an animal or represent some human features by means of beasts. This analysis focuses on a familiar register, that, in due time must allow us to decide about the importance of culture in the translation act.

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Author Biography

Stéphane Bourgue, Universidad de Antioquia

Graduated in Hispanic Studies from the French University Paul Verlaine - Metz. Currently assistant professor of French at the Language School of the University of Antioquia, he develops contrastive lexical studies between peninsular Spanish, Colombian Spanish and the French language.


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How to Cite

Bourgue, S. (2010). From the Alps to the Andes: When Adam and Eve Go "from the Rooster to the Donkey", or the Arduous Task of the Translator. Mutatis Mutandis. Revista Latinoamericana De Traducción, 3(1), 91–115.