Francisca Suau Jiménez (2010) La traducción especializada (en inglés y español en géneros de economía y empresa) Madrid: Arco/Libros. 150pp


  • Christiane Nord





In professional translation between English and Spanish, economic and business
texts come second in importance to technical and scientific texts. This is why the
new book by Francisca Suau Jiménez, professor for specialized translation at the
Faculty of English Philology of the University of Valencia, Spain, comes in handy
for practitioners, students and teachers of economic and business translation. The
book presents a theoretically well founded and descriptive approach to the
intercultural comparison of economic and business genres which are most
frequently translated from English into Spanish and vice versa. Drawing on her vast
experience with the material both in practice and in teaching, the author offers the
reader useful hints and strategies for a translation-oriented linguistic source-text
analysis, placing particular emphasis on the aspects of genre, register and metadiscourse.

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Author Biography

Christiane Nord

Doctor in Hispanic Philology and Translation Studies (1983) from the University of Heildelberg (Germany).


Halliday, M. A, K. (1994): An Introduction to Functional Grammar. Londres: Edward


Hymes, D. (1974) Foundations in Sociolinguistics: an Ethnographic Approach. Filadelfia:

University of Pennsylvania Press.

Nord, Christiane (2007) The Phatic Function in Translation: Metacommunication

as a Case in Point. Willy Vanderweghe, Sonia Vandepitte, Marc van de Velde

(eds): The Study of Language and Translation (Belgian Journal of Linguistics

/2007), Amsterdam: Benjamins, 171-184.



How to Cite

Nord, C. (2010). Francisca Suau Jiménez (2010) La traducción especializada (en inglés y español en géneros de economía y empresa) Madrid: Arco/Libros. 150pp. Mutatis Mutandis. Revista Latinoamericana De Traducción, 3(2), 384–387.