Self-translation as a Process that Legitimizes an Author’s ethos in the Work of Instapoet Carla Quevedo


  • Sabrina Solange Ferrero National University of La Plata; National Council for Scientific and Technical Research



self-translation, intermediality, ethos, Instapoetry, Carla Quevedo


This article analyzes self-translation as a (re)shaping and legitimizing process that allows for an au­thor ethos in the work of the actress and Instapoet Carla Quevedo. Considering the notions of mode and media as essential parts of the texts covered, which need to be viewed from a semiotic perspective, we study the instances of intermedial, multimodal and interlinguistic self-translation as processes that allow for constructing and reconstructing ethos. Thus, in addition to analyzing discourses connected to Quevedo’s image, we revise the passage from the poems posted on Instagram to their publication on paper in me peleé a los gritos con el manager del spa (2019). We also consider the movements between English and Spanish within the printed work itself. We believe that the self-translations from the digital to the printed media, on the one hand, and from English into Spanish, on the other, allow for the reworking of the ethos of the figure of artist associated to Carla Quevedo. This analysis recog­nizes in this reconfiguration a tool that leads to legitimizing an aspect of ethos linked to writing and authorship.

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Author Biography

Sabrina Solange Ferrero, National University of La Plata; National Council for Scientific and Technical Research

Sabrina Solange Ferrero is a national sworn translator (English-Spanish) from the National University of La Plata (UNLP) and a professor of English at the Higher Institute of Teachers of Río Grande (ISPRG). She has been a professor at the Faculty of Languages ​​at UNCo since 2014. Currently, she works as an adjunct professor in the Chair of Interpretation. As a researcher, she is part of the project "Minority writings, ethos and (self) translation", directed by Dr. María Laura Spoturno. Since April 2021, she has been a CONICET internal doctoral fellow. Her research focuses on the study of subjectivity that arises from the processes of self-translation and back-translation in the multimodal and intermedial spaces that social networks enable, with a focus on Instapoetry.


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How to Cite

Ferrero, S. S. (2022). Self-translation as a Process that Legitimizes an Author’s ethos in the Work of Instapoet Carla Quevedo. Mutatis Mutandis. Revista Latinoamericana De Traducción, 15(1), 189–211.