Ethically Pondered Research
research, ethics research, social justice, bioethicsAbstract
Today, the practice of research ethics is grounded on the four principles theory of Beauchamp & Childress. They proposed that ethical research be conducted on the basis of four prima facie principles: autonomy, non-maleficence, beneficence and justice The instrumentalization of this theory has made ethics discussion and argumentation easier for the biomedical sciences and health research. However, the ethical assessment and monitoring of research has been bureaucratized. For both researchers and ethical review boards, this is a process in which compliance with a requirements checklist is verified. This checklist is what is left of the codes of ethics research provided by the four principles approach after being synthesized in practice. Moreover, this checklist generally disregards the discussion of social justice as a priority for health research. For this reason, the authors consider it necessary to propose other frameworks for addressing the ethics of research that are not limited to applying regulations but rather invite ethical reflection in the processes of health research. Likewise, the authors believe that conceiving ethics as a reflection on justice creates a broader framework for understanding the ethics of research. This makes it possible to avoid assuming a position that is limited to external rules and regulations and instead recognizes it as a vital issue that involves the researcher as a moral subject.
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