Translation and Journalistic Genres


  • Alessandro Ghignoli University of Málaga
  • África Montabes Ortiz Universidad de Málaga



translation, journalism, journalistic genres, media, information


Translation plays an essential role in the world of journalism. We often read news, articles and all types of journalistic documents in our newspapers without being conscious of the fact that we are, in the majority of cases reading translations. However, such translations haven't received sufficient study and attention that could place them amongst other contributions made in the field. Usually, these translations are not signed by the translators themselves and, therefore, cause a rather important ambiguity if we bare in mind that the original text may have changed in one way or another.

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Author Biographies

Alessandro Ghignoli, University of Málaga

Doctor from the Complutense University of Madrid, he is a Contracted Professor in the Department of Translation and Interpreting at the University of Malaga. His research focuses on literary translation, translation theory, and comparative literature.

África Montabes Ortiz, Universidad de Málaga

Graduated in Translation and Interpreting from the University of Malaga, she has obtained a Master's Degree in Compulsory Secondary Education and Baccalaureate, Vocational Training and Language Teaching from the University of Malaga. She is currently a teacher in secondary education. Collaborate with different academic journals


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Tapia, M. J. (1992). «La traducción en los medios de prensa». Babel, Vol. 38, Nº 1. 59-63.

Torres, Mª. G., (2006). «The Interpreter as Communicator». Townsend, M.; Torres Mª. G. et al. International Co-operation University & Region. Tyumen: Tyumen State University Press. 223-225.

Torrico, E. (1989). Periodismo, apuntes teórico-técnicos. La Paz: Andina.

Tricás, M. (1995). Manual de traducción francés-castellano. Barcelona: Gedisa.

Vilamor, J. R. (2000). Redacción periodística para la generación digital. Madrid: Editorial Universitas.

Hernández, M. J. (2008). «La traducción periodística en los diarios españoles de información general». La traducción del futuro: mediación lingüística y cultural en el siglo XXI. Vol 2. 359-368. [En línea].



How to Cite

Ghignoli, A., & Montabes Ortiz, África. (2014). Translation and Journalistic Genres. Mutatis Mutandis. Revista Latinoamericana De Traducción, 7(2), 386–400.



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