Jiří Levý in the research context of his time and at present





Jiří Levý, translation studies history, translation theory history, Czech Republic, translation theory reception


As a researcher, Jiří Levý was active in unique periods of time for the development of the Humanities in the Czech Republic: He witnessed both Stalinist repressions and the relative freedom of the “golden” 1960s. With this perspective in mind, the following questions will be addressed: How did Jiří Levý respond to contemporary pressures; what were the links between his work and other texts on related topics at the time; to what extent were his theories accepted by his contemporaries, and what are the topics of his research that are still valued today? This study will involve the analysis of texts published between the 1950s and 1970s, a number of archival materials, and reflections on the reception of his work in contemporary Translation Studies publications.

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How to Cite

Králová, J., & Svoboda, T. (2016). Jiří Levý in the research context of his time and at present. Mutatis Mutandis. Revista Latinoamericana De Traducción, 9(2), 205–223. https://doi.org/10.17533/udea.mut.325054