At the Threshold of Translations: Rulfo in French


  • Clémence Belleflamme University of Liège



Juan Rulfo, paratext, retranslation, publishing strategies, literary translation


The present paper is the result of an investigation carried out within the broader framework of a PhD dedicated to the specific problems of retranslation into French of Spanish-American novels published in the second half of the 20th century. In this paper, we examine the case of Juan Rulfo and, more precisely, the paratexts of the French versions of two of his works: Pedro Páramo, which has been translated twice – furthermore, the first translation was deeply revised twenty years after its first publication – and El Llano en llamas, of which three of its short stories have been translated four times. In order to test the hypotheses formulated by theoretical works about retranslation and about paratexts in translation, we will try to determine how the successive paratexts construct different types of readers and influence their expectations. We will also analyse the role played by every text in the French cultural area and the interactions between the different translations.

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Author Biography

Clémence Belleflamme, University of Liège

Dép. de Langues et Lettres modernes 
Langues et littératures espagnoles modernes


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How to Cite

Belleflamme, C. (2018). At the Threshold of Translations: Rulfo in French. Mutatis Mutandis. Revista Latinoamericana De Traducción, 11(2), 300–322.