N’zassa: from a Collaborative Translation Approach to a Collective Construction


  • Yéo N'gana Federal University of Santa Catarina




n’zassa, collaborative translation, collective construct, dialogism, ethnographic approach


The ethnographic approach to literary translation offers, undoubtedly, many avenues yet to be explored. If we can consider translation to be a perpetual search for a possibility, dialogic translation consists of waging with the ‘other’–be they present physically and/or metaphysically–the battle for meaning. The n’zassa approach has no aim but to both reinforce the translator’s visibility and build a trustworthy relationship with (trans)readers. I argue that every translation act is–or should be–based, to some extent, on a n’zassa approach, which sees translation practice as a collaborative activity, and its product, a collective construct wherein writers, translators and readers are Meaning Weavers. Each text carries an embryo of such an encounter, which stems from and results in mutual influences. With regard to the relation ethnography-translation, Buzelin (2004, 2005), Ferreira (2014, 2017) and Wolf’s (2000) discussions prove fundamental. I conclude that Adiaffi’s n’zassa, read through the lens of Latour’s (2008) ant, helps reduce information lost and gives the translator a type of immediate collective acceptance. It is only through dialogue between subjects and forms, between divergent and convergent choices in the practice of translation that one can strive for a real and inclusive knowledge economy.

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Author Biography

Yéo N'gana, Federal University of Santa Catarina

Ph.D of the Post-Graduate Program in Translation Studies of the Federal University of Santa Catarina (UFSC).


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How to Cite

N’gana, Y. (2019). N’zassa: from a Collaborative Translation Approach to a Collective Construction. Mutatis Mutandis. Revista Latinoamericana De Traducción, 12(2), 519–539. https://doi.org/10.17533/udea.mut.v12n2a09