Collaboration between translation trainees: its impact on students’ self-efficacy beliefs
collaborative work, self-efficacy beliefs, translator education mixed methods approach, action researchAbstract
This longitudinal action-research study mainly intends to identify feasible ways to develop realistic self-efficacy beliefs among students enrolled in translator education programmes. This study will thus contribute to overcome the difficulty in establishing didactic objectives for the development of this and other forms of translators’ self-perceptions. This study aims specifically at a) analysing the impact that collaboratively addressing translation projects can have on students’ self-efficacy beliefs (or their confidence as translators), and b) analysing the reasons for this influence or the lack of it. To achieve these aims, a mixed-method approach was adopted, based on qualitative research techniques, namely, interview, focus group and classroom observation, as well as the quantitative technique of the survey. The survey materialised in a questionnaire including the Translator’s Self-Efficacy Beliefs Scale (Haro-Soler, 2018a), which the participant students completed at the beginning and end of the semester-long course that was the object of this study. Results show that effective collaborative work favours students’ self-efficacy beliefs to translate, in general, and to make decisions and work with other agents involved in the translation process, in particular.
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