How to Develop Translation Competence While Providing Community Service: The Case of Micropills as an Effective Communication Tool




micropill, effective communication, translation teaching, translation competence, service-learning method


Chile has recently become a receiving country for both Spanish-speaking migrants and speakers of other languages. This situation leads us to think about the possibilities that translation practices can develop at a communicative level, specifically in the health field. Regarding translation as an interlanguage mediation activity in this field, it is relevant to point out the right we all have to effective communication, that is, "the right of each individual to understand and be understood in situations in which he/she must interact with public institutions, so that the fundamental rights that these institutions are intended to cover can be respected" (García, 2008, p. 3). The reflection presented here describes a didactic proposal that makes it possible for the student-translator to develop the translator competence under the strategy of Service Learning (S+L) by elaborating a micropill to deliver information with cultural relevance in Chilean health services in the Región de La Araucanía. This paper focuses on the process that the student-translator carries out to elaborate this instrument of effective communication and how, through the delivery of culturally relevant information, it is possible to provide a service to the community. The results of this work will allow us to think about the teaching of translation with the aim of incorporating work methodologies in the classroom that promote the integration of knowledge by combining learning processes and community service.

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Author Biographies

Jimena Weinberg Alarcón, Catholic University of Temuco

English-German to Spanish translator from the Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile and Master in Applied Linguistics from the Pontificia Universidad Católica de Valparaíso. Currently, she teaches English-Spanish Translation at the Language Department of the Universidad Católica Temuco. She has participated in several research projects related to the training of translators at the university level, the development of translation competence, the incidence of cognitive writing processes in translation and translation in migration contexts, which have resulted in the development of didactic material for teaching and publications in specialized journals.

Lissette Mondaca Becerra, Catholic University of Temuco

Translator English-Spanish and BA in Translation from the Universidad Católica de Temuco, Chile, and MA in Discourse Studies: Communication, Society and Learning from the Universitat Pompeu Fabra and the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona. Currently, she is an ANID scholarship holder for Doctorate Abroad and is in her fourth year as a student of the PhD program in Advanced Hispanic Studies at the Universitat de València, Spain; she is also a member of the working team of the research projects AMERESCO and ESPRINT, both directed by academics from the Department of Spanish Philology at the same university. Her lines of research focus on pragmatics and Spanish speaking and translation studies.


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How to Cite

Weinberg Alarcón, J., & Mondaca Becerra, L. (2022). How to Develop Translation Competence While Providing Community Service: The Case of Micropills as an Effective Communication Tool. Mutatis Mutandis. Revista Latinoamericana De Traducción, 15(2), 422–435.