The Reception of Translated and Adapted Texts on Disease Prevention for Pre-Adolescents Using Graphic Medicine Strategies




translation, graphic medicine, reception, lay audience, preadolescent


In recent years, the links between Translation Studies and Graphic Medicine have strengthened to enhance the dissemination of specialized health information for lay audiences. While in the Anglo-Saxon context graphic medicine has typically used only comics as a genre for health information dissemination, in Spain, other textual genres, such as infographics, have been considered as part of graphic medicine. An example of the translation-graphic medicine pairing in the Spanish context is the oncoTRAD project, in whose framework numerous health-related materials aimed at patients and their close ones have been designed. Despite the important number of materials produced, their reception by their target audiences had not been studied. To address this gap, a pilot study was conducted to assess the reception of materials by children and preadolescents, a priority audience for oncoTRAD. However, that study had a small sample size and a questionnaire with minor deficiencies. This article substantially expands on that study, counting on a larger sample (n=154) and an improved questionnaire. The results show a very positive reception of a comic and an infographic on disease prevention designed for children. These findings highlight the potential of the translation-graphic medicine pairing for disseminating health information among children and preadolescents, thereby contributing to the improvement of health literacy in our societies.

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Author Biography

Antonio Hermán-Carvajal, Universidad de Córdoba

PhD in Translation and Interpreting from the University of Granada. He is currently working at the University of Córdoba, Spain. As a researcher, he is currently involved in two projects. The first, EIMITA, is led by Dr. Clara Inés López-Rodríguez and Dr. Maribel Tercedor Sánchez at the University of Granada. This project examines the use of emotion and imagery in information about eating disorders. The second project, LIWCing in Spanish, is an international, cross-disciplinary project led by Dr. Nairán Ramírez-Esparza (University of Connecticut). It focuses on translating the LIWC-2022 software dictionary from English into Spanish. Additionally, Antonio Hermán-Carvajal is a Fulbright Program alumnus, which enabled him to complete two research stays in the US at Rutgers University and the University of Connecticut.


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How to Cite

Hermán-Carvajal, A. (2025). The Reception of Translated and Adapted Texts on Disease Prevention for Pre-Adolescents Using Graphic Medicine Strategies. Mutatis Mutandis. Revista Latinoamericana De Traducción, 18(1), 55–80.