Space for research in Social Science school textbooks
manuals and text books, social science learning, social science teaching, esearch areasAbstract
The following question is raised in the present research (1: Listen Read phonetically): What is the place of Social Science textbooks at the school level when it comes to investigation? Social Science textbooks are a tool and a cognitive measure which have been essential in academic planning for teaching Social Science in Colombia; However, a critical analysis of research in Social Science Teaching and in particularly on the role of the textbooks, shows that research has devoted little attention to the problems of teaching and learning in the area.Therefore, there is ignorance of what happens in the educational practice where the textbook is considered essential to planning the Social Studies class. However, the great majority of teachers use it uncritically and without creativity. Thus, textbooks become the central pillar of the teaching process, reducing the chances for a teacher researcher and innovator in its field.
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