Medical/Health Humanities: Past, Present and Future




medical humanities, humanization, health literacy, accessibility, plain language and communication, and translation


Medical Humanities is an interdisciplinary field in which the Humanities, Social Sciences, and Medicine converge. This approach seeks to understand and address the experience that people have with health, disease, care, and medical practice from multiple perspectives. Some of the disciplines that are usually integrated into Medical Humanities are Philosophy, Ethics, Literature, History, Anthropology, Sociology, and the Arts. However, we consider that other subjects also form part of this field, as they contribute to the global understanding of all health-related issues and deepen their transmission and accessibility. In this sense, it is worth mentioning the existing projects of humanization and health literacy, whose objective is to humanize healthcare contexts, as well as other projects that intervene in improving patient care and quality of life. These projects bring together different disciplines to offer clear, accessible, and reliable information and become a tool for transmitting specialized knowledge, prevention, and information on oncology. To this end, translation is fundamental in transferring medical information appropriately and accurately, using a channel and register adapted to the recipient.

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Author Biography

Íngrid Cobos López, Universidad de Córdoba

Professor at the University of Córdoba (Translation and Interpreting Area) and member of the HUM 947 Research Group “Text, Science and Translation”. She has participated in the R+D+I WeinApp: Multilingual system of information and wine resources (Ref. FFI 2016-79785-R) and has directed the Innovation and Transfer Project oncoTRAD: The language of cancer: Translating for the patient and his environment and the FEDER R+D+I Project: oncoTRAD: Graphic Medicine and Translation at the service of the oncology patient and his environment in the Andalusian Society. His working languages are Spanish, German and English. He has numerous publications in specialized journals and books and book chapters published in prestigious publishers and has directed about a hundred research papers. His research interests are: Terminology and specialized translation (legal and biosanitary fields), Translation of hybrid texts, Social Translation and Interpreting and Graphic Medicine.


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Sitios web:

American Society for Bioethics and Humanities:

Cátedras de humanización en salud: de la Real Academia:

Diccionario de Términos Médicos de la Real Academia Nacional de Medicina:




Institute on Human Values in Medicine:

Jugando a definir la ciencia:


Merriam Webster Dicitonary (Medical Diccionary): https://www.merriam-


Organización Mundial de la Salud (Preámbulo de su constitución):

Proyecto de humanización del HURS (realizado dentro del proyecto OncoTRAD:

Proyecto de humanización del Vall d’Hebron:


Planes de humanización (Junta de Andalucía):ón%20SSPA_v1


Proyectos de fundaciones (Humans):

Proyectos promovidos por el sector farmacéutico:



Translating Illness:



How to Cite

Cobos López, Íngrid. (2025). Medical/Health Humanities: Past, Present and Future. Mutatis Mutandis. Revista Latinoamericana De Traducción, 18(1), 231–253.



Artículo de reflexión no derivado de investigación