Reflections on Translation in an Interethnic Context
translation, Mapudungun, interethnic relations, intercultural relationsAbstract
Translation studies scholars have enriched the discipline with voices coming from anthropology and philosophy that have revisited the issue of translation as a transcultural practice. This article deals with the nature of translation and the role played by the translator in interethnic, pluricultural and plurilinguistic environments. It is stated that a possible academic, political and social participation of translation serves as a bridge for the improvement of intercultural relations, less problematic than those experimented today, especially in the Araucanía region, where Mapudungun and Spanish coexist. By a case study, we are showing the series of problems, objections and questions that arise when trying to transfer contents from one world to another. Finally, some reflections are presented about translation implications in the intercultural relations within the region.
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