Composition of fatty acids in some fried food and frying oil and related factors in a college area of the city of Medellín-Colombia


  • Briana Davahiva Gómez Ramírez Universidad de Antioquia
  • Julián Paul Martínez Galán Universidad Estadual Paulista - UNESP
  • Luz Margarita Cardona Zuleta Universidad de Antioquia



fat, palm oil, soybean oil, fried food, fatty acids.


Background: Frying conditions affect fatty acids proportion in fried foods. Objective: To determine the effect of frying conditions on fatty acid composition: saturated, monounsaturated, polyunsaturated, and trans fatty acid in fried food and frying oils. Materials and methods: 22 food samples and their frying oils were collected in 4 restaurants, 4 coffee shops, and 3 street stalls placed at universities in Medellín, Colombia. Fatty acids composition was determined by gas chromatography after the frying. Oil composition was associated with frying conditions. Results: Palm oil was used in 7 places, soya oil in 2 and a mixture of vegetable oils was used in another 2 places. In fried potatoes, palm oil increased saturated fatty acid content and reduced polyunsaturated fatty acid content (p<0,05). Soya oil had a greater polyunsaturated and trans fatty acid content, and a lower saturated content (p=0,05), in all cases. In oils, saturated fatty acid were associated with present solids (p=0,03) and TFA were associated with hours/usage/day (p=0,02) and presences of solids (p=0,04). Frying conditions were inappropriate. Conclusion: Fatty acid distribution in fried potatoes depends of oil used for frying. Poor frying conditions affect saturated and trans fatty acid content in oil.

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Author Biographies

Briana Davahiva Gómez Ramírez, Universidad de Antioquia

Master of Science in Food and Human Nutrition. Dietitian Nutritionist. School of Nutrition and Dietetics. Universidad de Antioquia

Julián Paul Martínez Galán, Universidad Estadual Paulista - UNESP

Master in Food Science and Technology. Food Chemist. Universidad Estadual Paulista - UNESP. São Paulo, Brazil.

Luz Margarita Cardona Zuleta, Universidad de Antioquia

Organic Chemistry PhD - Natural Products Emphasis. Degree in Educ- Biology and Chemistry. Professor at the Universidad de Antioquia


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How to Cite

Gómez Ramírez, B. D. ., Martínez Galán, J. P., & Cardona Zuleta, L. M. . (2015). Composition of fatty acids in some fried food and frying oil and related factors in a college area of the city of Medellín-Colombia. Perspectivas En Nutrición Humana, 16(2), 159–174.




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