Opportunities of Authentic Modelling Tasks in the Learning of Mathematical Modelling for Teaching. A Study with Prospective Mathematics Teachers





mathematical modelling, prospective teacher education, authentic modelling tasks, authenticity


Teacher learning on mathematical modelling is a significant goal of mathematics education. This article presents the results of a study conducted within a course designed for prospective teachers. Rooted in the principles of authentic learning, authentic tasks were designed to promote the prospective teacher's learning of mathematical modelling and its teaching. Data were collected from 18 prospective teachers across two groups of a mathematical modelling course at a public University. Analysis of documents, videos, and interviews evidenced the learning achieved by prospective teachers about learning environment configuration, use of context, and modelling project development. The results of this study provide empirical evidence regarding characteristics and components that configure authentic tasks that contribute to mathematical modelling learning and its teaching. Some implications regarding the way to integrate authenticity in mathematical modelling emerged from this study.

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Author Biographies

Paula Andrea Rendón-Mesa, Institución Educativa Pedro Luis Álvarez Correa (Caldas Antioquia) y Universidad de Antioquia (Medellín)

Es profesora de la Institución Educativa Pedro Luis Álvarez Correa (Caldas Antioquia) y de la Universidad de Antioquia (Medellín). Integrante de la Red Colombiana de Modelación en Educación Matemática.

Monica Marcela Parra-Zapata, Institución Educativa Mariscal Robledo, y Universidad de Antioquia (Medellín)

Es profesora de la Institución Educativa Mariscal Robledo y de la Universidad de Antioquia (Medellín). Integrante de la Red Colombiana de modelación en Educacion Matemática RECOMEM.

Jhony Alexander Villa-Ochoa, Universidad de Antioquia

Es profesor de la Facultad de Educación de la Universidad de Antioquia e integrante de la Red Colombiana de Modelación en Educacion Matemática -  RECOMEM.


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How to Cite

Rendón-Mesa, P. A., Parra-Zapata, M. M., & Villa-Ochoa, J. A. (2023). Opportunities of Authentic Modelling Tasks in the Learning of Mathematical Modelling for Teaching. A Study with Prospective Mathematics Teachers. Uni-Pluriversidad, 23(1-2), 1–21. https://doi.org/10.17533/udea.unipluri.358071

