The continued practice and the (re) construction of the teaching practice –A constant challenge in the knowledge of teaching


  • Antonio Carlos Castrogiovanni Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul



practice , teaching practice , teaching geography , school


Our objective is to evaluate the continuous Practice in the Fundamental Teaching Practices in Brazil, and to develop teaching methodologies that observe the new education technologies and benefit the autonomy of learning. We have worked Qualitative Research and complexity. The guiding question is: “What is a good geography class in this globalized world?”

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Author Biography

Antonio Carlos Castrogiovanni, Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul

Geographer, graduated in Geography. Master of Education in the area of Geography Teacher Training. Doctor in Social Communication in the area of social practices in geography and tourism. Associate professor at the Department of Teaching and Curriculum at the Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul.


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How to Cite

Castrogiovanni, A. C. (2011). The continued practice and the (re) construction of the teaching practice –A constant challenge in the knowledge of teaching. Uni-Pluriversidad, 10(3), 33–40.