Periodical Sources for a historical study of Colombian Literature. Compilation and reviews. First part


  • Olga Vallejo Murcia University of Antioquia
  • Ana María Agudelo Ochoa University of Antioquia
  • Xiomara Meneses Cano University of Antioquia



periodical publications, 19th century press, 19th century literature


This bibliographic review article describes thirteen titles of literary publications that were published in the 19th century, particularly between 1837 and 1893. All of them were pioneers in opening of space to literature, and in this sense they are primary sources for a historical approach to Colombian literature in the 19th century. The reviews make up the catalog card for the “Serial publications” chapter of SILC (

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Author Biographies

Olga Vallejo Murcia, University of Antioquia

PhD in Literature from the Moscow State Pedagogical University. She is a professor of Literature in different undergraduate and graduate programs at the University of Antioquia. She is a researcher at the Colombia research group: traditions of the word. This work has been carried out within the framework of the research project EFFI2009-13326-C02-02, funded by the Spanish Ministry of Sciences and Innovation. The bibliographic internship that allowed to contribute to this article was carried out at the Luis Ángel Arango Library, thanks to the support of the Master in Colombian Literature and the Dean of the Faculty of Communications, both from the University of Antioquia. See more at http: // and at

Ana María Agudelo Ochoa, University of Antioquia

PhD candidate in Romance Philology, University of Barcelona (Spain). Master in Colombian Literature from the University of Antioquia. Professor of the Literature area at the University of Antioquia. Carolina Foundation Scholar. The contribution to this article is derived from the research "Traces of the emergence of the short narrative in Colombia in the press of the nineteenth century", a project registered at the SUI, University of Antioquia. See more at and 

Xiomara Meneses Cano, University of Antioquia

Bachelor's degree student in Humanities and Spanish Language at the University of Antioquia. Student in training at the Research Nursery in Colombian literature and periodicals.


Cacua Prada. Historia del periodismo colombiano. Bogotá, Ediciones Sua, 1968.

González, Beatriz y Julio César Flórez. Ramón Torres Méndez: entre lo pintorescoy la picaresca., Bogotá, Carlos Valencia Editores, 1986, en:

Museo Nacional de Colombia. “Policarpa 200: exposición conmemorativa del bicentenario del nacimiento de Policarpa Salavarrieta”, en: Cuadernos iconográficos del Museo Nacional de Colombia, N.° 1, Bogotá, 1996, en:

Laverde Amaya, Isidoro. Bibliografía colombiana. Bogotá: Imprenta de Medardo Rivas, 1895, en: Biblioteca Luis Ángel Arango Digital:

Otero Muñoz, Gustavo. Historia del periodismo colombiano.Bogotá, Minerva, 1936.

Páez Adriano (Ed.). La Patria. Revista literaria de Colombia. Bogotá: Imprenta de Medardo Rivas, 1878-1882.

_____________. “Formas de sociabilidad y producción de nuevos ideales para la vida social: A propósito del Correo curioso de Santafé de Bogotá”, en: La Ilustración en el virreinato de la Nueva Granada. Estudios de historia cultural, La Carreta, 2005. 149-196.

Silva, Renán. “El periodismo y la prensa a finales del siglo xviii y principios del xix en Colombia”, en: La Ilustración en el virreinato de la Nueva Granada. Estudios de historia cultural, La Carreta, 2005, 79-148.

_____________. Prensa y revolución a finales del siglo XVIII. Contribución a un análisis de la formación de la ideología de Independencia Nacional. Medellín, La Carreta, 2004 [1988].

Vallejo, M. Olga. “Una propuesta de lectura del Papel Periódico Ilustrado (1881-1888) El tema de la imagen”, en: Observaciones históricas de la literatura colombiana. Cuadernos de trabajo III. Medellín: La Carreta Editores, 2010, 155-186.

_____________. El Papel Periódico Ilustrado (1881-1887) en la construcción de la nación literaria colombiana. Medellín: Canal U, 2010, 455-466.



How to Cite

Vallejo Murcia, O., Agudelo Ochoa, A. M., & Meneses Cano, X. (2012). Periodical Sources for a historical study of Colombian Literature. Compilation and reviews. First part. Estudios De Literatura Colombiana, (28), 159–177.



Sección Bibliográfica/Literature serials

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