Teaching Education for Health: ¿A Confrontation with the Theory and Practice of Public Health as a Discipline?
health education, teaching, public health, theory, pedagogyAbstract
Objective: to understand the manner in which health education (HE) is taught at the National Faculty of Public Health (NFPH) of the University of Antioquia in Medellín, Colombia. Methodology: group and individual interviews with teachers, students and graduates. Likewise, the curricula of the Faculty's academic programs were reviewed. Results: The predominant approach is to teach HE as a tool or strategy conceived from the biomedical standpoint and grounded on a traditional/coercive pedagogical model. Furthermore, the teaching OF HE at the NFPH does not have the relevance that should be expected, which is a contradiction in itself. Disussion: the theoretical reflection developed proposes a different explanation: it is not a contradiction; rather this situation pertains to a logical consequence of a public health perspective prevailing at the NFPH. The role of health education depends on the public health approach with which it is aligned. Other public health approaches are presented in which education has a basic and foundational sense and it is conceived from the point of view of alternative pedagogical models. So addressing HE teaching and defining the profile of public health professionals is not a neutral and technical issue for including certain topics. It is rather a consequence of a theoretical and political debate about the type of public health that should guide the curricula of academic programs and actions at the Faculty.
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