postcolonial, transversality, rhizome, deterritorialization,, reterrirorialization, transcreaciónAbstract
This paper intends to underscore the gradual shift from the issues of the postcolonial stance towards a baroque and rhizomatic drifting advocating transversal manoeuvres and a clear departure from any reference to a colonial ancestry. Homi Bhabha's and Gayatri Spivak's works are scrutinized. A more acute departure is proposed with the overcoming of the tree-like schematic hierarchy inherited from Aristotelian epistemology and the shift towards a holistic and labyrinthine manifold analyzed by Umberto Eco as the collapse from a dictionary-form semantics proliferating into an encyclopædic-form semantics. The amplitude of this disclosure encounters a wide open horizon in the paradigm of the rhizome, the non linear dynamics of deterritorialization and reterrirorialization proposed in Gilles Deleuze and Félix Guattari's work A Thousand Plateaus. Connected with a new epiphany of baroque aesthetics among a host of latino-american writers, those theoretical musings form the premises of a general theory of drifting or generalized translation experimented by the Brazilian poet Haroldo de Campos as a form of « transcreation » (A tradução como transcriação), taking over from Oswalde de Andrade's anthropophagic stance and which is here compared to the strategies of remix in new electro-acoustic music experimentation.
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