The fullness of void: an exercise of deconstruction prior to an oriental reading of Die Aufgabe des Übersetzers by Walter Benjamin
Oriental Reading, Benjamin, Bouddhism, InterpretationAbstract
Getting away from the common interpretations, this paper seeks to delineate an approach among the fundamental key notions of Walter Benjamin’s essay, Die Aufgabe des Übersetzers, and between the symbolic schemes and the main notions coming from the Middle and Extreme East. Thus, the notions of pure communicability (Mitteilbarkeit), “pure language” (reine Sprache), dissymmetry between languages and even tangential or infinitesimal contact are interpreted as an incorporation or incubation made by Benjamin, of symbolic schemes of Kabbalistic extraction, more precisely taken from the cosmogonist myth elaborated by Isaac Louria in Safed, Palestine, during the 16th century. An important development is dedicated to an array of correlations that can be drawn between the conception of language as pure medium in Benjamin and the most important intuitions of Mahāyāna Bouddhism called “The Great Vehicle”, extended to the Sōtō Japanese Zen Bouddhism, incorporated further on by the Kyoto School, Nishida Kitaro and Watsuji Tetsuro, at the beginning of the 20th century. These developments have no other ambition than to elaborate, in favour of tangent readings, a wider interpretation matrix that could be associated with the outline of an “oriental reading” of Benjamin’s thesis, leading to a deeper understanding of notions often judged difficult or even abstruse.
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