Considerations on the Brazilian translation of Die Idee des Guten zwischen Plato und Aristoteles by Hans-Georg Gadamer in the light of the theoretical principles of Jiří Levý




translation, philosophy, Hans-Georg Gadamer, Jiří Levý


The translation of philosophical texts requires different strategies, such as: a) translator’s notes; b) explanations as direct elements of the text; and c) semantic juggling under linguistically and culturally diverse perspectives. In order to accomplish the Brazilian translation of Gadamer’s above-mentioned book, the translator used footnotes to emphasize nuances of certain German philosophical terms and some correspondences between German and Greek, as conceived originally by the German philosopher. The main purpose of this paper is to point out how useful translators’ notes can be to overcome some obstacles in the translation of Gadamer’s book into Brazilian Portuguese, a language in which the close links between German and Greek cannot always be maintained in the “same” way. To surmount the translation’s agon imposed by Gadamer’s text, in such a case the translator can appeal to some of the concepts advocated by Jiří Levý, e.g.: a) Semantic values and ideo-aesthetic content; b) Functionality of the target-text; c) Linguistic conditioning, linguistic form and ideo-aesthetic content; d) Minimization of difficulties; e) Re-stylization of the source-text.

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Author Biography

Tito Lívio Cruz Romão, Federal University of Ceará

PhD in Translation Studies from UFSC. He is a German translator and interpreter.


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How to Cite

Cruz Romão, T. L. (2016). Considerations on the Brazilian translation of Die Idee des Guten zwischen Plato und Aristoteles by Hans-Georg Gadamer in the light of the theoretical principles of Jiří Levý. Mutatis Mutandis. Revista Latinoamericana De Traducción, 9(2), 328–347.