Study of Physical Phenomena in Mathematics Teachers Training. A STEM Education Experience




STEM education, mathematical modelling, teacher training


Research reports as a limiting factor the knowledge to recognize a connection between disciplines when students are supported, despite the interest of the teachers in integrating STEM education. In this respect, a STEM education experience was designed. This experience integrated mathematics in contexts of science (physics) and technology, through mathematical modelling. The analysis derives from a qualitative methodology with an interpretive approach. Content analysis is used to study the meanings of mathematics that are expanded in the analysis of the physical phenomenon model integrating thermometers and computational simulations. Results report that the experience allowed pre-service mathematics teachers to reflect on training issues. It evidences a level of preparation and potential that favors the integration of STEM education in their future professional performance. In addition, the scope and limitations of this experience are also reported.

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Author Biographies

Jaime Andrés Carmona-Mesa, University of Antioquia

Master in Education and Bachelor of Mathematics and Physics, both degrees from the University of Antioquia. Professor at the Faculty of Education of the University of Antioquia in Medellín, Colombia. Among the main research interests is the initial training of mathematics teachers for the integration of technology and, recently, in the training of teachers in STEAM education.


Mónica Eliana Cardona Zapata, University of Antioquia

Graduated in Mathematics and Physics and Master in Education in Natural Sciences from the University of Antioquia. Professor at the Faculty of Education of the University of Antioquia. Member of the Research group Research Perspectives in Science Education -PiEnCias-. Among the main research interests is the initial training of physics teachers and the use of technology for the teaching of natural sciences.

Alexander Castrillón-Yepes, University of Antioquia

Student of Mathematics and Physics at the University of Antioquia, member of the MATHEMA research hotbed and of the Colombian Network of Mathematical Education Modeling (RECOMEM). Among his main research interests is Mathematical Modeling, research training and technologies in Mathematics Education.


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How to Cite

Carmona-Mesa, J. A., Cardona Zapata, M. E., & Castrillón-Yepes, A. (2020). Study of Physical Phenomena in Mathematics Teachers Training. A STEM Education Experience. Uni-Pluriversidad, 20(1), 18–38.