Funtionalism in translation teaching


  • Christiane Nord European Translation Studies Association



funcionalismo, comunicación, signos verbales, signos no verbales, situación-en-cultura


Human activities are carried out by "agents", people with a social role in communication. In communicative activities, agents can adopt a role as a speaker or a recipient of a message transmitted by means of verbal or non-verbal signs. When a role as a speaker is adopted people try to carry out their communicative objectives through texts (oral or written, including expressions and manners, symbols and icons, etc.). Communicative objectives are addressed to other people acting as recipients. Communication is performed through a channel and in specific situations in time and space. Every situation establishes how and what about people communicate during the communicative act. Situations are not universal, but they are immersed in a cultural environment which is affected by them simultaneously. Language used for communication is regarded as part of culture and the form that communication takes is conditioned by the restrictions of the "culture-situation".

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How to Cite

Nord, C. (2009). Funtionalism in translation teaching. Mutatis Mutandis. Revista Latinoamericana De Traducción, 2(2), 209–243.