Emergence and Evolution of the Bilingual Format in Poetry Translation in Argentina





bilingual edition, publishing history, Argentine literature, poetry, translation


A large number of books of translated poetry in Argentina and the rest of Latin America are currently published bilingually; however, despite this being so common, there is no study that analyzes this publishing practice comprehensively in Argentina or in other Spanish-speaking countries. This paper aims to characterize the bilingual format of contemporary poetry, starting with theoretical assumptions about its function, as well as its possible effects on the publication and reading of translated poetry, and then contrasting these assumptions with a historical perspective of the emergence and evolution of this practice in the Argentine publishing sector. With this goal, a corpus is established from a survey of public library catalogs, editorial catalogs and consultations with private publishers, which allows us to identify the emergence of this format in the thirties with the translations of Langston Hughes by Jorge Luis Borges (Sur, 1931) and Paul Valéry’s Le cimetière marin by Néstor Ibarra (1932); in the 1940s it became established in Sur and other magazines. Publications in this format were on the rise until the 21st century, when there was an explosion of independent publishing houses that brought its greatest expansion. The study of a single publishing market does not allow us to arrive at definitive conclusions, but it is possible to suggest that the meaning of the bilingual edition, originally associated with comparison, changed over time, and that currently the visibility of the foreign text in this format has an intrinsic value.

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Author Biography

Mario Rucavado Rojas, Buenos Aires University

BA in Literature, Specialist in Literary Translation, PhD student in Literature at the University of Buenos Aires and Conicet doctoral fellow (Literature area). Born in Costa Rica, he has been living and studying in Buenos Aires since 2007. His main area of research is English romantic literature and its translation. He has made an annotated translation of El matrimonio del cielo y el infierno y otras obras de William Blake (Buenos Aires, Colihue, in press).


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How to Cite

Rucavado Rojas, M. (2022). Emergence and Evolution of the Bilingual Format in Poetry Translation in Argentina. Mutatis Mutandis. Revista Latinoamericana De Traducción, 15(2), 385–405. https://doi.org/10.17533/udea.mut.v15n2a07

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