Dyslipidemia in children with acute malnutrition. Turbo, Colombia
dyslipidemias, nutritional marasmus, malnutrition, kwashiorkor, lipoproteins, children, ColombiaAbstract
Objective: to compare the lipid profile between preschools with and without acute malnutrition. Methods: a crosssectional study was developed in 43 preschools; 26 with and 17 without acute malnutrition. Malnutrition was assessedby weight for height ratio (P/T). Among the study groups, serum levels of TC, c-LDL, c-HDL and TG were compared. Results: the malnourished group showed a significantly higher frequency of c-HDL levels classified as lower comparedwith controls (19 vs 7%, respectively, p = 0.036) and a 1.8 times higher risk of c-HDL levels classified as lower(OR = 1,8; CI 0,96-3,28). TG levels were higher in malnourished children, but no significantly different from controls.TC, c-LDL, and c-HDL concentrations decreased significantly when acute malnutrition increased, while TG increasedbut not significantly. Arterial index TG/cHDL in children with severe acute malnutrition was significantly higher than inthe control group and the moderated malnourish children. Children with kwashiorkor had the lowest concentrationsof TC, cLDL, and cHDL and the highest TG and arterial index levels. Conclusions: preschool children affected bysevere acute malnutrition, especially kwashiorkor, have lower HDL-C concentrations, higher TG, and a high indexwhich exposed them to develop atherosclerosis.
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